Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update from Limbo

Happy Mondays, I mean Thursday. How is everyone doing? Oh, thats good to hear. hehe, So I guess to update, the job search continues, more like waiting. The website is still under construction, I know it was just a couple months ago when it went online-but it needs a face-lift and added features. In the mean time, here is a sneak peak of what will be included.

Here is an identity I designed while working at Acumen Design, it is for Ninfa's Mexican Kitchen. The folks at Ninfa's want a new image that will compliment their new stores and set-up in the existing restaurants. Ninfa's really enjoy the compact labels of Mexican beer identities and wanted to bring emphasis to the name "Mexican Kitchen." from what I gathered the new restaurants will have demonstrations, ex: tortilla making and so on.


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